Friday 4 June 2010

It's been a while and now it's the 2ww - 7dp2dt

I haven't posted for ages, mainly because nothing was really going on. Throughout May I just did the obligatory buserelin injections (I took over from Mr IVF when I realised it didn't hurt as much when I did it!). I've been really lucky in that the hormones haven't really got to me. I wonder if that means they were wired in the first place!

So, I've just been plodding along really. I decided to carry on having the odd alcohol bevvie and stopped one week before the Frozen Embryo Transfer, same with caffeine. It's not been so bad! (She says through gritted teeth) I even managed to go to a lovely pub with lovely wine and have an elderflower and soda. Well done me. And I've ordered to crates of wine from Virgin Wine Club to restock our supplies. Given I may not be able to drink any of this for potentially the next nine months I think I've done well.

Back to the IVF bit! I started the progesterone suppositries a couple of weeks ago now. It's fine. I can cope with it. A bit of Agent Provocateurs Gentleman's Relish helps too :) (that would be some posh lube). It has gone without incident, thankfully.

I had the frozen embryo transfer done a week ago today. Also without incident, Mr IVF said he was a bit nervous in the car on the way there. I was fine, not nervous at all. I recall this was the same on our wedding day, me - fine, him - sweating. It was all very organised, I like the IVF Unit at the Hammersmith Hospital, it seems they do a sterling job.

We had a chat with the embryologist who told us we had two embryos, both high grade and both dividing as expected - one was a two cell,t he other a three cell. I'll spare you the gory details of the actual transfer, all I'll say is it was a bit like having a smear test but more painful because it involves a catheter tube. If you've been there, well, you know. I laid motionless for about 30mins afterwards and then went home to spend the next 5 days glued to the sofa. Oh and they gave us a photo of the embryos to take away, which if they turn into real live humans will be pretty special. If not, well it's still quite amazing they can take photos of them.

During the first day after my FET I discovered the world of the 2 week wait (2ww). If there were no google I would not know this. So I am going to blame by increasingly obsessive behaviour (checking daily what symptoms should be for that day, reading blog after blog about how others POAS daily and get BFN BFN BFN. Eeek. This can't be good for the brain!) on Google and the WWW.

So now I'm at 7dp2dt and yes I've succumbed to symptom checking. I'm not sure I've got any if I'm really honest with myself. For the first 5 days I had a sciatica type pain shooting down the back of my left leg, into my foot sometimes too and I could still feel the sharp pain in the area where I felt them go in during the FET. I also had cramps up til 5dp2dt. Good, bad? No idea...

I noticed an increase in greasy hair on 5dp2dt and spots too - noticed because I read about it? Or real? Arrrrgghhh.

Last night I was really restless and couldnt sleep for ages. The first two nights I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow (not that usual for me). Today I have a couple of hot sweats without the sweat, just heated right up! Now I'm normal. Thought I had a wave of nausea this morning but maybe that was because I ate too much yoghurt and honey. I still feel the odd twinge but no spotting. Boobs are a little bit tender but that would be normal if period is due.

I have no idea if any of this means anything. But, I have (failed and) bought two pregnancy tests (in addition to the one they gave me), the first of which I'm going to do tomorrow. I'm sorry, I just can't stop myself. I've got this far! I'm not meant to test until June 11th. Bollocks to that. If it's negative well I'll wait a couple more days and do the next one around next Tuesday. If that's negative well, looks like we'll have to go to Round 2.

Wish me luck!

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